Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Welcome to the White Pine Readers Blog

Welcome all to this year's virtual meeting room for this year's "Forest of Reading Programme"- the high school level  named "White Pine". There is a diverse collection of titles for all this year to read and enjoy. This is the first year for this blog here at Welland Centennial and I am hopeful that this electronic format will allow everyone the chance to have their say on each book that has been read.

An important part of the programme is feedback, so I need to hear from you for you to qualify to vote. I am posting discussion questions on all the nominated titles, so all you need to do is read five of the books on the list and log on to this blog and leave your comments.

Also, please remember, if you are reading one of these White Pine books, we only have 2 copies of each fiction book for everyone to share.  Please remember to return each book promptly so that everyone has the chance to read as many of the titles as they choose to.
If you are interested, please check out the Goodreads site. All of this year's books are listed there and you can rate these books. This site is also great for checking out what other people are reading and you can create your very own bookshelf of titles that you have read in the past or would like to read in the future.
I hope that you enjoy reading this year's selections and I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts and comments as you work your way through these titles for 2013.
Yours in reading,
Mrs. Saunders

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